AUTH 0 upon a correct request


I am writing a client application. I do everything as it is said on that page:

But i get “AUTH 0” reply.

I am using public key, which is


Here is the log:

2018/03/10 12:20:40 HELLOBG version=3

2018/03/10 12:20:40 HELLOTS version=3.1.16 version_code=3011600 key=adefcab213 http_port=6878 bmode=0

2018/03/10 12:20:40 READY key=kjYX790gTytRaXV04IvC-3141af00308a64dd80b1b31f97edf40e61365ba1

2018/03/10 12:20:40 AUTH 0

Have checked via online sha1 service, and it proves that everything was calculated correctly.

adefcab213 + kjYX790gTytRaXV04IvC-xZH3A18sj5b1Tf3I-J5XVS1xsj-j0797KwxxLpBl26HPvWMm = adefcab213kjYX790gTytRaXV04IvC-xZH3A18sj5b1Tf3I-J5XVS1xsj-j0797KwxxLpBl26HPvWMm ->sha1 ->hex = 3141af00308a64dd80b1b31f97edf40e61365ba1 + kjYX790gTytRaXV04IvC- = kjYX790gTytRaXV04IvC-3141af00308a64dd80b1b31f97edf40e61365ba1

What is wrong?

Thank you.

1 лайк

The log shows that the client is sending the correct HELLOBG and HELLOTS messages and correctly calculating the SHA-1 hash of the key. However, the AUTH message is being rejected by the server. This could be because the server is using a different key, or because the client is not sending the correct format of the AUTH message.