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Name: test
Bitrate: 2400 kbit/s
Piece size: 262144 bytes
Chunk size: 16384 bytes
Source download speed: 339.2
Connected peers: 0
Upload speed: 0.0
Content ID: c765abf83494bcff93c5fc864b5109d6eac4941f
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Локально смотрю и в браузере, и плеером, и при помощи файла test.acelive а вот из интернета не могут смотреть…
Смотрю статистику и вижу что нет файла с хэшем…

ACEStream Tracker Statistics

info hash complete downloading downloaded
cfaba70d3a04154a31f2479ec876acdf23612a12 0 1 0
0 files 0 1 0/0
info hash: SHA1 hash of the “info” section of the metainfo (*.torrent)
complete: number of connected clients with the complete file
downloading: number of connected clients still downloading
downloaded: reported complete downloads (total: current/all)
transferred: torrent size * total downloaded (does not include partial transfers)

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