acestream on slackware 14.2

Привет друзья, I have a problem with acestream on slackware 14.2 and probably my OS is with python ucs2. I try with help from slackware forum to start engine with building my own python with pyenv:

bash-4.3$ env PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-unicode=ucs4" pyenv install 2.7.15
Downloading Python-2.7.15.tar.xz...
Installing Python-2.7.15...
Installed Python-2.7.15 to /home/troqnec/.pyenv/versions/2.7.15
bash-4.3$ cd /home/troqnec/Downloads/acestream/acestream_3.1.16_ubuntu_16.04_x86_64
bash-4.3$ ls
acestream.conf  acestreamengine  data  lib  start-engine
bash-4.3$ pyenv local 2.7.15
bash-4.3$ ./start-engine --client-console
xx Cannot load libraries: path /home/troqnec/Downloads/acestream/acestream_3.1.16_ubuntu_16.04_x86_64/lib
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<entry>", line 9, in <module>
ImportError: /home/troqnec/Downloads/acestream/acestream_3.1.16_ubuntu_16.04_x86_64/lib/acestreamengine/ undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_DecodeUTF8

I have a python test file that when I start it tell’s my what is ucs build:

bash-4.3$ python /home/troqnec/Downloads/acestream/ 
UCS4 build

I understand Russian, but I can’t write so you can give me options on Russian language. Thanks in advance to everyone.

looks like acestreamengine is unaware about your custom Python version, and still using system python libs/extensions.
Try to add something like (but verify actual path first)

export PYTHONHOME=/home/troqnec/.pyenv/versions/2.7.15
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/troqnec/.pyenv/versions/2.7.15/lib-dynload:/home/troqnec/.pyenv/versions/2.7.15/lib/

before “ROOT=” string in the “start-engine” script.

Thank you Benny :slight_smile: after adding this in the script I have this error:

bash-4.3$ ./start-engine --client-console
ImportError: No module named site

I try like non root and like root its a same error

PS: If I add only export PYTHONHOME=/home/troqnec/.pyenv/versions/2.7.15 I have this error

Well, this is self-explanatory error - your Python installation do not contains required module(s), in this case - “site” module. Usually you can install it by typing something like “pip install site”, but i don’t know how to install it properly for custom Python installation - try for yourself.