I have a problem when using external players, while playing, it seems that the Ace Engine closes in the background and obviously stops playing. It happens to me a lot when I use Kodi as an external player, how can I stop the Ace Engine from closing in the background?
How long it takes before playback is interrupting and Ace Stream is closing?
Engine itself intended to be running in background, so probably its stopped by Android due to lack of RAM or some third-party “Memory cleaner” - check your apps/settings.
Also you may check system setting/permissions for background apps - Shield Box is not a mobile device (powered by battery), so no needs to save battery, but some standard Android settings still may prevent app to stay in background for the long time.
The time in which it closes is variable, sometimes in a few minutes, 15-20, or sometimes in an hour of playback, I also think it is a RAM problem, but it is annoying, because honestly I do not like the AcePlayer, sometimes I play content in 4K and the image freezes a lot with the AcePlayer, for that reason I use an external player like Kodi.
You may try to decrease buffers/cache size in the AceStream app setting - set “live buffer” for 5-10 seconds, “VOD buffer” to 3-5 seconds and “RAM cache size” for 64-128 MB, for example.