How can I keep running acestream broadcasting?

Hi Forum!

I have installed acestream on my ubuntu server. I want to broadcast on this server with acestream, I am running the Broadcast with following commands: “acestreamengine --stream-source --name “lig” --title “lig” --source “http://myipadress:8080” --bitrate 1200 --publish-dir “/home/www/streams” --cache-dir “/tmp/streams” --add-authorized-peers --skip-internal-tracker --tracker “udp://myipadress:2710/announce” --log-stdout”. How can I keep alive the broadcasting, when i close the putty? If I close the putty, the broadcasting is die.

Thanks advance!

Run job in background or run it within “screen”/“tmux” session.
If you’re new to *nix, it’s recommended to read something about shell and and shell scripting - Learning the shell. and

Thanks :slight_smile: