Personal acestream server


I’m pissed that iOS doesn’t support Acestream and therefore I want to install acestream on my LINUX server and then serve a couple streams from different content ids.

Currently I managed to make the server run and to start an HTTP streaming which the iPad is capable of playing via VLC, but it only serves ONE single client.

The command I’m using is:


If I run it in one device it’s fine, but if I run it in the second, it drops a “failed to seek” error.

What am I doing wrong? Should I set up a HLS stream instead? Thing is, I tried setting an HLS stream up and it didn’t work.


You’re using same CID on second device or different one?
In first case, you need third-party HTTP proxy (HLS proxy, HTTP Ace proxy) for that - Ace Stream do not support playback via internal proxy of same CID on different clients.
In the second case - you may try adding to the end of URL “pid”:

http://serverip:port/ace/getstream?id=CID1&pid=1 // for first device
http://serverip:port/ace/getstream?id=CID2&pid=2 // for second device

See Engine HTTP API - Ace Stream Wiki for more info.

Thanks so much for the reply.

One question, when I make requests via threadfin to the acestream server, it always returns a link with “localhost” instead of the public IP of my server.

can I force that IP to be whichever I would like?


In your request you’re using public IP or localhost ( Usually Ace Stream server replies with IP on which address request was received.

If this is not your case, then we need more data to examine this issue - code sample, which API endpoint was used, etc.