Premium but I have ads

I bought the premium but I still have the ads, I don’t understand…

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Did you enter your credentials in the app settings?

a m i me pasa lo mismo, y no lo hice por que lo hice mediante de la cuenta google y no me deja meterla

Can you illustrate such problem with screenshot?
Did you used “reset password” earlier for this login? If so, then log in via “email/password”, not via Google.
Also you may try to clear app data/cache and then try to log in via Google again.

Hello. I’ve the same problem, and as a software I’ve got only ace player and something called “ace stream” being opened with browser.
But - for none of these apps I can see anything related to “app settings”. Also it’s impossible to find any information on the website. I’ve paid $75 and have nothing as a result…

See this topic - How do you login into the AceStream app for Windows via Google
For “app settings” you should look for Ace Stream icon in the system tray.

I can see something like forward button with rainbow circle around (it says “Ace Stream HD”), and clicking on it does nothing. both left or right mouse buttons.
There is also a button for Ace Player, but it’s usual player with no settings for the app. Please send here any picture what should I look at.

Yes, that is. Right click should bring a menu.
Which version of Ace Stream you’re using?

Well, it does nothing!
I’ve installed the latest from your website and it says (from the download list) the version is 3.2.5
But not left nor right buttons provide any menu.

Looks like something not right with Ace Stream installation. You may try this:

  • run Windows task manager, find “ace_engine.exe” process, right click on it, “open file location”.
  • locate “acestream.log” file and attach it to reply on this post - we’ll try to figure out what’s wrong with your Ace Stream setup.
  • also you can manually edit “acestream.conf” file and set your credentials there, by adding at the end of it

save this file, and then restart Ace Stream engine.

Thanks a lot for your help!

what I did and what the result:

last point with manual update of .conf file did the trick. After restart of “ace_engine.exe” with updated login/pass I’ve realized that right-click on the system-tray icon now works as well and let me open menu with app settings.

May be it will help someone.
Thanks Benny )

Did the same here. Still getting ads, and no options on right click - Windows 11, ace version

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