Test Torrent Stream (ACE Stream) software 2.0. (for Ubuntu) (En)

Hello everyone, i am having problem with acestreamplayer. I am on ubuntu 12.10, clean install, added acestream repo, installed acestream-full package, but when i try to open any .acelive file or stream from content id, i get error:

[ “2013.05.31 22:52:37.630” ] “[p2p_access] CreateP2P”
[ “2013.05.31 22:52:37.630” ] “[P2PWrapper] Creating wrapper.”
[ “2013.05.31 22:52:37.632” ] “[P2PControl::doStartup] Starting up…”
[ “2013.05.31 22:52:37.633” ] “[BGConnection::Connect] Connected!”
[ “2013.05.31 22:52:37.634” ] “[BGConnection::SendMsg] Sending: HELLOBG”
[ “2013.05.31 22:52:37.634” ] “[p2p_access] CreateP2P OK”
[ “2013.05.31 22:52:37.961” ] “[BGConnection::RecvMsg] Received: HELLOTS
[ “2013.05.31 22:52:37.962” ] “[BGConnection::readyToRead] receive:
HELLOTS version=”
[ “2013.05.31 22:52:37.962” ] “[P2PControl::identifyReceivedData] got
data: HELLOTS version=”
[ “2013.05.31 22:52:37.962” ] “[P2PControl::identifyReceivedData] Received
wrong command: HELLOTS version=”

everything stops after this error. Can somebody tell me, what am i doing wrong?

P.S. tried acestream 2.0.0, everything works, except that, after 90-120min player hangs, shows buffering 0%. After player restart, everything starts to work again. I wanted to try newest version, to check if this bug is fixed…

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