Hello I want to raise an IPTV premium to acestream hybrid broadcast (hls+p2p). My problem is that it is a format TS and I want spend it to m3u8. Since I can clonar the iptv ts and to turn it in M3U8 and that me works
You should convert (segment) TS stream to HLS playlist/manifest first (GitHub - carsonmcdonald/HTTP-Live-Video-Stream-Segmenter-and-Distributor: Segments live video streams based on the Apple HTTP Live Streaming protocol and pushes the resulting files to various locations.), and then create a HLS broadcast - Create HLS Broadcast - Ace Stream Wiki
Also you may try to use AceStream only, but this solution rather complex and unstable:
- Create a broadcast using TS source - Streaming/en - Ace Stream Wiki;
- Run other engine copy as client (proxy server), using cid/transport file from step (1) and with stream type set as “HLS”;
- Create a HLS broadcast, using as “HLS URL” proxy server from step (2).
So you have to run 3 different “acestreamengine” processes (and ideally - on the different servers) to get an HLS broadcast.