torrent stream player not work

Hello and excuse me for my poor english,but my russian is even more bad than english.So i used torrent stream player version fine, but before a few days cant even connect to peers=Black screen says WRONG FINAL LENGHT BLOCK. I USE WINDOWS 7 AND FIREFOX BROWSER= i TRIED TO INSTALL OTHER BROWSERS AND ANOTHER VERSION OF TORRENT STREAM BUT NOTHING CHANGE= I INSTALL ACE STREAM VERSION 2.1.7-BUT HE CRASH .PLEASE GIVE ME SOME ADVICE WHAT TO DO WITH THIS WRONG FINAL LENGHT BLOCK ???

Hey. excuse for my bad engish too.
After U install an ACE STREAM go to an outside player (on a desktop), open Instruments-tunings-video-conclusion. In conclusion pick DirectX or Direct3D, then restart the PC.

I realy thank yo. This time i install ACE STREAM MEDIA 2.1.7 VLC 1.1.12 AND IT WORKS NOW. THE ANOTHER VERSION ACE STREAM 2.1.7 VLC 2.0.5 did not work but my problem is solved for now.! actualy first i tried this what you sayd- i open the player from deskton,then in video tab i see DIRECT X AND DIRECTX 3D OPTION BUT IS NOT ACTIVE,I MEAN WHEN I CLICK THERE DO NOTHING I USE ATI RADEON 9600PRO VIDEOCARD